Bill Savino
Bill Savino is a senior partner at the Buffalo law firm of Woods Oviatt & Gilman, began playing bass guitar in bars at 16 with fake proof. At the University of Rochester, Bill took Eastman's two-year music theory program and Chuck Mangione's jazz lab. At the University of BUffalo, he and fellow Niagara Falls residents Bobby Previte and RIchard Schulman were the jazz trio in residence. As a music reviewer for various publications, Bill interviewed Thelonious Monk, Bill Evans, B.B. King and more. His jazz program, "Inside the Changes," ran for over four years on WBFO. Today, he performs in WNY in a soul band "Jelly Jar," and until mid-2024, award winning jazz octect, "My cousin Tone'". Bill also serves on the board of Niagara Falls Music Hall of Fame.